Isolation and Analysis of the Palynomorphs from Khadro Formation Exposed at Ranikot Fort Area Sindh, Pakistan


  • Dileep Kumar Katario Government Boys Degree College Shahdadpur, Sindh
  • Ghulam Hussain Jatoi Department of Plant Pathology, Sindh University Tandojam, Sindh
  • Rafique Ahmed Lashari Centre for Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
  • Ghulam Mustfa Thebo Centre for Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
  • Noorulain Soomro Institute of Plant Science, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
  • Shabab Ali FG Degree College, Hyderabad Cantt FGDC, Hyderabad
  • Pir Arshad Jan Sirhindi Government Boys Degree College, Tando Muhammad Khan
  • Sohail Raja Jatoi Institute of Plant Science, University of Sindh, Jamshoro
  • Kosar Parveen Kalhoro Government Girls’ Degree College Dadu
  • Sobia Sattar Ibn-e-Rushd Govt Girls Degree College Mirpurkhas
  • Mohib Ullah Directorate of Agriculture Research Water Management & (HEIS) A.R.I Sariab Quetta
  • Sher Azam Department: Entomology, University of Agriculture Faisalabad



Angiospermic, Algal and fungal Palynomorphs, Pteriodophytic spores, Khadro Farmation, Sindh, Pakistan


Seventeen (17) palynomorphs were found from the Khadro Formation comprises of sandstone, shale, and limestone exposed at Ranikot Fort area Sindh, Pakistan. Palynomorphs are microfossils, possessing organic-walled microscopic organisms, their size range is from 5-500 µ (micrometers). Majority of the samples contained angiospermic and algal microfossils. Algal remains indicated the prevalence of sub-tropical to tropical climate, in which marine environmental species were Chaetomorpha akineta, Zygnema terrestre and Synechococcus aeruginosus and also including fresh water species such as, Pinnularia denticulata, Oscillatoria vizagapatensis and Genecularia sp. Arecaceae & Nymphaeaceae also indicated the fresh water vegetation. The fungal counterparts viz,; Dicellaesporites minutus inferred the deposition time of Khadro Formation and the environmental conditions was humid, hot, and with heavy rain fall. Presence of the Pteriodophytic spores (Laevigatosporites sp.) indicated that environment was deltaic, swampy and being estuarine. From Palynomorphs of different groups based on distribution pattern, confirms that during deposition time of Khadro Formation at early environmental condition was hot.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Isolation and Analysis of the Palynomorphs from Khadro Formation Exposed at Ranikot Fort Area Sindh, Pakistan (D. K. . Katario, G. H. . Jatoi, R. A. . Lashari, G. M. . Thebo, N. . Soomro, S. . Ali, P. A. J. . Sirhindi, S. R. . Jatoi, K. P. . Kalhoro, S. . Sattar, M. . Ullah, & S. . Azam , Trans.). (2024). Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 3(1), 123-135.

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