Effects of different Sources of Organic Matter on Availability of Phosphorus in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Crop at Quetta, Balochistan


  • Allah Dina Umrani Department of Soil Science, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta
  • Muhammad Sharif Department of Soil Science, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta
  • Aurang Zaib Department of Soil Science, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta
  • Atta Ullah Department of Plant Breeding and genetics, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta
  • Muhammad Waris Department of Plant Pathology. University of Agriculture Balochistan
  • Shafiq Ur Rehman Department of Soil Science, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta
  • Saduddin Department of Soil Science, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta
  • Zaffarullah Department of Soil Science, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta
  • Muhammad Saddam Department of Agronomy, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta
  • Muhammad Affan Department of Agronomy, Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta




Organic Matter, Farm Yard Manure, Poultry Waste, Phosphorus, Wheat


Wheat is one of the important staple food being grown worldwide. Less phosphorus (P) availability in upland areas of Balochistan is one of the major problems is achieving an optimum crop yield. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the response of different sources of organic matter on availability of phosphorus. The results were revealed that the soil with T1 was resulted moderate 0.26 dSm-1 electrical conductivity, pH 8.25, 0.51 organic matter, total phosphorus mg.kg-1 3.77 in soil and 0.88% phosphorus in wheat tissues, extractable phosphorus mg.kg-1 at 15.83 in soil, 0.041 total N% in soil and 2.30% in wheat tissues, total k mg.kg-1 172 in soil and 1.58% in wheat tissues, CaCO3 % 11.33 in soil. T2 was resulted minimum 0.23 dSm-1 electrical conductivity, pH 7.95, 0.59 organic matter, available phosphorus mg.kg-1 4.74 in soil and 1.05% phosphorus in wheat tissues, extractable phosphorus mg.kg-1 at 18.56 in soil, 0.048 total N% in soil and 2.77% in wheat tissues, total k mg.kg-1 191.33 and 1.91% in wheat tissues, CaCO3 % 13.33 in soil. T3 was resulted 0.31 dSm-1 electrical conductivity, pH 8.42, 0.38 organic matter, available phosphorus mg.kg-1 3.27 in soil and 0.37% phosphorus in wheat tissues, extractable phosphorus mg.kg-1 at 12.35 in soil, 0.031 total N% in soil and 1.75% in wheat tissues, total K mg.kg-1 134.33 in soil and 1.32% in wheat tissues, CaCO3 % 8.33 in soil. To control was resulted 0.333 dSm-1 electrical conductivity, pH 8.55, 0.37 organic matter, available phosphorus mg.kg-1 2.61 in soil and 0.14% phosphorus in wheat tissues, extractable phosphorus mg.kg-1 at 9.64 in soil, 0.021 total N% in soil and 1.26% in wheat tissues, total K mg.kg-1 88.66 in soil and 1.13% in wheat tissues, CaCO3 % 6.66 in soil. So, results concluded that organic amendments, particularly poultry waste, farmyard manure, and plant residues, positively impact soil properties and plant growth parameters.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effects of different Sources of Organic Matter on Availability of Phosphorus in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Crop at Quetta, Balochistan (A. D. Umrani, M. Sharif, A. Zaib, A. . Ullah, M. Waris, S. U. Rehman, Saduddin, Zaffarullah, M. Saddam, & M. Affan , Trans.). (2024). Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 3(2), 345-353. https://doi.org/10.55627/agrivet.03.02.0834

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