Investigating the Role of Solubilizing Bacteria in the Phosphorus Cycling and Organic Matter Dynamics


  • Hafeez-u- Rehman Soil and Water Testing Laboratory, Sialkot
  • Saima Nazar Soil Fertility, Gujranwala
  • Hafiz Abdul Rauf Cotton Research Institute Khanpur
  • Muhammad Jamil Soil and water testing laboratory, Sahiwal
  • Khadija Aftab Department of Microbiology, King Edward Medical University, Lahore
  • Aftab Ahmad Sheikh Provincial Reference Fertilizer Testing Laboratory, Lahore
  • Syed Ahtisham Masood Cotton Research Institute Khanpur
  • Muhammad Bilal Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture Faisalabad
  • Tahsin Fatimah Soil and Water Testing Laboratory, Lahore
  • Fraza Ijaz Soil Bacteriology Section, Ayub Agricultural Research Institute
  • Muhammad Mansoor Japan International Cooperation Agency, Lahore
  • Mamoona Hanif Cotton Research Institute Multan
  • Nadia Hussain Ahmad Cotton Research Institute Multan
  • Sadia Kanwal Cotton Research Institute Multan
  • Amna Bibi Cotton Research Institute Multan
  • Idrees Ahmad Oilseed Research Station, Khanpur
  • Nafeesa Muslim Soil and water testing laboratory, Sahiwal
  • Muhammad Tahir Akbar Soil and water testing laboratory, Layyah
  • Muhammad Umar Hayat Khan Soil and water testing laboratory, Sahiwal



Phosphorus, PSB, Organic Matter, Soils


In alkaline calcareous soils, where phosphorus is usually immobile and unavailable for plant uptake, phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) are essential for increasing the bioavailability of phosphorus in soils. Through the synthesis of organic acids and other processes, these bacteria solubilize inorganic phosphate compounds, greatly enhancing the cycling of phosphorus. The purpose of this review is to explore how PSB enhances phosphorus availability and how it interacts with the dynamics of organic matter in alkaline calcareous soils, which are common in many arid and semi-arid regions. Important findings from the literature show that PSB interact with organic matter to improve soil fertility overall in addition to increasing phosphorus availability. Research have indicated that temperature, pH, and inputs of organic carbon all affect PSB activity. The review also emphasizes the challenges presented by environmental factors that limit bacterial efficaciousness in phosphorus solubilization, as well as the symbiotic relationship between PSB and other soil microorganisms. This review has significant outcome for environmentally friendly farming. Growers can encourage more economical and environmentally friendly farming practices by lowering their reliance on chemical phosphorus fertilizers by using PSB as biofertilizers. By promoting nutrient cycling, accelerating the breakdown of organic matter, and possibly raising carbon sequestration, PSB activity also contributes to the long-term health of the soil. For sustainable agricultural productivity and environmental conservation, this research emphasizes the significance of microbial interventions in managing nutrient-deficient soils.


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Review Articles

How to Cite

Investigating the Role of Solubilizing Bacteria in the Phosphorus Cycling and Organic Matter Dynamics (H.- u-. Rehman, S. Nazar, H. A. Rauf, M. . Jamil, K. . Aftab, A. A. . Sheikh, S. A. . Masood, M. . Bilal, T. Fatimah, F. Ijaz, M. Mansoor, M. Hanif, N. H. Ahmad, S. Kanwal, A. Bibi, I. Ahmad, N. Muslim, M. T. Akbar, & M. U. H. Khan , Trans.). (2024). Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 3(2), 371-382.

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