Influence of Various Nutrient Media on the Seed Germination, Growth and Development of Acacia (Acacia Auriculiformis L.)


  • Ali Raza Jamali Department of Horticulture, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam
  • Shamshad Jamali Barley & Wheat Research, Institute Tandojam
  • Asif Ali Kaleri Department of Agronomy, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam
  • Abdul Wahab Soomro Central Cotton Research Institute Sakrad
  • Shuaib Ahmed Magsi Central Cotton Research Institute Sakrad
  • Asif Ali Hajano Department of Horticulture, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam
  • Hussain Bakhsh Kalhoro Department of Plant Breeding & Genetics, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam
  • Muzamil Farooque Jamali Department of Horticulture, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam



Rice husk, Dry leaves, Germination, Farmyard manure, Quality index


The present research was carried out in 2022-23 at the SAU Nursery, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam, Pakistan. To assess the influence of various Nutrient Media on seed germination growth and development of Acacia (Acacia auriculiformis L.) The experimental trial was carried out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications. Acacia seeds were grown in Nutrient Media comprising canal silt, farmyard manure, rice husk and dry leaves in (1:1) among the nutrient media comprising canal silt + Rice husk (1:1) has shown the best result in germination and growth parameters. Viz germination (83.33%), plant height (17.70cm), number of branches plant-1 (27.66), fresh biomass of shoot (30.27g), dry biomass of shoot (14.15g), and quality index (0.78) while the poor results was recorded in canal silt germination (23.33%), Based on Nutrient Media, NM3 canal silt + Rice husk (1:1) performed better germination growth and development of Acacia, the present study that the Nutrient MediaNM3 =canal silt + rice husk (1:1) had better result for all parameters. It has been suggested that Acacia may be nourished with Nutrient Media Canal Silt + Rice husk (1:1) and also good in Canal silt + Dry leaves (1:1).


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Influence of Various Nutrient Media on the Seed Germination, Growth and Development of Acacia (Acacia Auriculiformis L.) (A. R. . Jamali, S. . Jamali, A. A. . Kaleri, A. W. . Soomro, S. A. . Magsi, A. A. . Hajano, H. B. . Kalhoro, & M. F. . Jamali , Trans.). (2024). Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science, 3(2), 327-336.

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